Sunday, April 26, 2020

Homeoffice for Monday and Tuesday, April 27th and 28th

Hello everyone,😁

This week has only got 4 schooldays due to May 1st, which is a National Holiday in Austria.

Before we start, correct page 3 of the "new" worksheets. Please be careful and use a coloured pen.

Verbessert die Seite 3 der "neuen" Arbeitsblätter.
Das selbst Ausbessern der Fehler ist ganz wichtig. Durch Fehler lernt man!

Bitte macht das gewissenhaft und verwendet einen farbigen Stift. So wie wir das immer in der Schule machen. Danke.

15 We have been waiting
16 They have been living
17 Jim has been eating
18 How long have you been playing..?
19 Rick has been reading
20 He has been driving
21 Mum has been bathing
22 The children have been watching
23 Maggie has been doing
24 Sue has been looking
25 I have been waiting
26 I have been shopping
27 How long have you been learning
28 I have been running

So let’s start with the work.


Workbook p. 90 Words + Phrases U 11  

Write the rest of the words in your Wordsbook. Then study the words and sentences as good as you can.

Restliche Wörter der U 11 ins Wordsheft schreiben und lernen – wie wir am besten lernen, wissen wir bereits. Nur leise durchlesen ist zu wenig.


Workbook p. 86 / 9, 10, 11

Workbook p. 87 / 12, 13, 14


“New“ worksheets ( Nr. 4) Progress Check 11 

Reading: Jacob’s horror trip to Los Angeles 

➤ Basic: Read the text aloud twice (2x).
➤ Basic: Do Task 1Circle the correct word.

Text 2x laut und langsam lesen, Wörter, die neu sind für dich, nachschauen.
Anschließend die richtige Antwort einkreisen.

* Advanced:
Write the new words (English – German) in your Wordsbook. You can see some of the words written there by hand. Please also look up the words that you do not understand and write them down.
Example: none – niemand…..etc.

* Advanced: 
Worksheet Nr. 5 Grammar Present Perfect Continuous (Task 1 and 2) Send a screenshot

Zur Erklärung:

➤Basic (grundlegend)Muss von allen erledigt werden

* Advanced (vertiefend)Kann erledigt werden – aber nicht von der Mama 🙀

That was all for now.
You’ll get the next task on Thursday.

Have a great beginning of the new week.😊



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