Monday, March 30, 2020

Homeoffice for Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Hi everyone,


Let us remind you to send us the questions and answers from the Studentsbook p. 109 "BEING GREEN"

Some of you are really accurate and send their work immediately, other are a little slow and behind.
Stay focussed, please.


Please check your exercises you did last week.

1) Stb p. 94/6: 1 border, 4 field, 2 hide, 5 garage, 3 back seat of the car, 6 passport

2) Stb p. 94/7A: 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6T

3) Stb p. 94 7B: 
    1  he was allowed to go with his father / he first 
        came to the US
    2  the border illegally to work 
    3  hid under the back seats of two cars
    4  to work in the fields
    5 visa ( and he was allowed to bring his family to the US)
    6 he can go to school, he has lots of friends and there are so    
       many things to do ( like sports, baseball and basketball)

4) Stb p. 100/2
    1. his family has a visitor next week and he has got to look    
        after her
    2. Brazil
    3. cold
    4. some of her clothes
    5. to talk to her
    6. from school is from Portugal,
    7. sleep on the sofa
    8. her parents

5) Stb p. 101/3

6) Stb p. 101/4
    1. Would you
    2. That would really help
    3. Really
    4. what would I do without you

7) WS5/1
1  were able, 2 wasn't able, 3 weren't able, 4 couldn't, 5 was able, 6 couldn't, 7 were able

8) WS5/2
1 has been able to, 2 have been able to, 3 hasn't been able to, 4 hasn't been able to, 5 have been able to, 6 haven't been able to, 7 haven't been able to, 8 haven't been able to

    Have a good time!


Workbook p. 80/81 - Combination of English and Art
Design a leaflet for an evening of music / for a sports show / for a concert of your favourite singer /band / a musical / a presentation of your favourite DJ.

Read the instructions of Wb p. 80 / 81 properly.
Use a dictionary.
Ask your schoolmates for help.
Get your watercolours, felt pens, etc...and design a poster. Try your best! 

Important: Take a PHOTO and send it per  EMAIL
Projekt Englisch und Bildnerische Erziehung

Gestaltet ein Poster für einen Musikabend / die Sportshow / eine Aufführung deines Lieblingssängers/-sängerin, eines Musicals, eines DJs....etc
Lies dir die Anleitungen auf S 80 und 81 gut durch.
Verwende Wörterbuch.
Hol dir Hilfe von Mitschülern.
Verwende Wasserfarben, Filzstifte, Edding, Farbstifte etc...
Alles klar? 

Have fun!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Homeoffice for Monday, March 30th, 2020

Hello, dear students, 

Have you had a good weekend? ⛅
Could you spend some time on the balcony or in the garden or just open the window of your room and let the sunshine in? 🌄
Perhaps you had a nice walk to the cellar or the attic and back? 😉

And today we could put our clocks 🕤 forward due to time shift 🌞 (Zeitumstellung)
and spend one hour less in our houses and flats. Isn't that great? 😈

But let's go on now with today's work.
Please concentrate yourself and keep your head up.
And don't forget to smile!😊

Stb. p. 109/13 
Write 7-10 questions and answers. 

Where can you buy locally produced food? - I can buy meat, cheese, vegetables on the market every Friday. I can also buy bread at our baker's. I can buy yoghurt and dairy products in some small shops.

How do protect the environment? - I often ride my bike or walk to school. I always take a bag with me when I go shopping. I always bring my glass bottle to school.

Please write 7-10 questions and answers. And try to make your answers interesting.
Versuche gute Antworten zu finden und mehr als nur einen Satz zu schreiben)

Use your dictionary either on the internet or the Linguee-app.

Send us the questions and answers per Email, please.

Stb. p 112/1 - Listen to the dialogue ➤ here  and fill in the gaps.
Stb. p. 112/2 
Stb. p. 113/3 

Stb. p. 113/3 - Things to do
First match the phrases and then listen and check.
Listen ➤  here.

Now write the phrases in your Words Book with the German meaning (MindMap / Cluster)- you know how to do it 👍

Stb. p. 113/4 - Making requests
Read the dialogue and write another one. Record it on your mobile phone and learn it.

Please remember:
Whenever you come across a word or phrase that you do not understand, look it up!
(Neue Wörter nachschlagen und aufschreiben)

That's all for today.
Take care!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Homeoffice for Friday, March 27th, 2020

 Hi folks,

Two weeks ago we were still at school. Can you imagine that?

A lot has happened since then.
Life has changed for every person - probably all over the world - and everything is completely different.

But let's be positive 🌈 and see the good things 🌟 we have in life: our family, our friends, our way of living....💑🙋🙆

In other places there are people and also children - your age and even younger - that have to survive under really terrible conditions.

And also - if someone in your family has become ill, stay positive and keep up the good spirits. 💚

Be nice, helpful and when you feel down, get some comfort in talking to your friends, your grandma or grandpa over the computer or mobile phone.📞

I am sure there is someone out there who you trust and with whom you can share your sorrows and problems.  💏

All the best to you. You are all fantastic!😊

Today's work is not too much and not difficult.

1 )
Revise everything you have learned this week (words, grammar sentences, exercises, texts....) perhaps ask someone to dictate you the words, you can even do it with a classmate per video chat, walk around and memorize the text - you know, you must hear it yourself. 
Use the skeleton text, or do a running dictation. Just as we sometimes do at school. 

Be creative!  

The crazier the method is, the more effective it might be. Tell us when you have a new idea!

Alles, was ihr gelernt habt, wiederholen. Herumgehen und laut aufsagen, Laufdiktat, Skelett-Text, euch gegenseiting im Video Chat als Partner Diktat. 

Seid kreativ. 

Falls ihr eine besonders gute Idee habt, wie man etwas lernen kann, schreibt uns, oder schreibt es allen in die Gruppenmailadresse!

Online Exercises: Modal Verbs

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

And now watch video this about the Modal Verbs. Write the sentences into your Exercise book:
Click here.

And now something completely different: 

The Safe Hands Challenge.
Click here for a video presented by the head of the WHO (the World Health Organisation)

And click here for a fun tutorial how to wash your hands properly. 
Perhaps you can sing and dance along?

Optional Work (Freiwillige Aufgabenstellung)
 Wb. p. 78/10

🌞 Have a great weekend and stay safe and sound! 🌞

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Homeoffice for Thursday, March 26th, 2016

Hi everyone 🐥

Are you still motivated? Are you nice to your mum, dad, sisters and brothers? I am sure, you are 💏
You know, we have to be strong and positive in these strange and difficult times 💪🌈

Now here's your work for today:

Worksheet page 5 - Nr 1 and 2 - Forms of "to be able to" - Negation. (you got the copies at school from your teacher)

Copy the *sentences below and write them in your exercise book.
Read the sentences aloud so that you can remember them. Use the skeleton technique. You know it from school.

 (Mit Hilfe der Anfangsbuchstaben die Sätze auswendig lernen: I a n a t g t s a t m)

*I am not able to go to school at the moment.
You were not able to go shopping yesterday.
He has not been able to play with his friends for a week now.
Sally will not be able to meet her friends at the playground.

Workbook p. 77 nr. 5 and 6
Workbook p. 78 nr. 7, 8, 9

🔔 Just do the exercises please. No Emails! No photos! 🔔

Take care!
All the best!

Cyberhomework ist zur Zeit überlastet. Übungen sind offen bis nach Ostern. Ihr könnt sie freiwillig machen.

🔆 Trying now is better than crying later 🔆

INFORMATION - Eigenverantwortung

Ich bitte euch und auch die Eltern, die Informationen und  Anleitungen hier auf dem Blog genau durchzulesen, und euch gegeenseitig in der Klasse zu unterstützen und zu informieren.

Natürlich können wir nicht überprüfen, ob ihr alle Übungen selber macht, oder ob die Eltern die Texte schreiben oder euch die Aufgaben ansagen oder ihr euch Übungen schicken lasst oder abschreibt.

Wenn du gar nichts tust, und glaubst, du machst Ferien, dann ist das auch deine Entscheidung.
Du bist dafür verantwortlich und trägst die Konsequenzen. Irgendwann wird sich das vielleicht rächen und du wirst dir denken,"Hätte ich doch damals...."

Es geht jetzt um Eigenverantwortung und selbstbestimmtes Lernen.

Ganz viele von euch - die Mehrheit - macht das großartig.
Ein Kompliment an diejenigen, die sich disziplinieren und am Ball bleiben und ein großes Dankeschön an die Eltern für die Unterstützung

Die Englischlehrer 💁

Monday, March 23, 2020

Homeoffice March 24th, 2020


To get to the previous posts, please scroll down to the end of this page and click on "older posts". On the right hand side you can see "Labels". Scroll down to "Homoffice".
Wenn du frühere Aufgabenstellungen nochmals sehen willst, scrolle ganz hinunter und klicke "older posts"
Rechts am Blog unter "Labels" findest du die Inhaltsangabe. Klicke auf "homeoffice". Da findest du auch alles. Aber eben immer auf "older posts" klicken um alte Inhalte abzurufen.

Now some important information for the 3C:
You have already read the booklet "Stubs grows up". Unfortunately the e-zone is not available at the moment, so you can't do the exercises. I hope it is working soon.
Also bitte, liebe 3C - ezone funktioniert nicht, schreibt also ebenfalls so wie weiter unten angegeben die Aufgaben, eine kurze Zusammenfassung bzw. eine Beschreibung der wichtigsten Figuren der Geschichte.

Es fehlen noch Texte der des Arbeitsblattes The World Wide Web.
Das betrifft auch noch 2 Schüler der 3B. 
So get your work done, please!💪😒

Students‘ Book

Stb. p. 100 / 1 Read the dialogue and underline the words that you do not understand.
Look up the words in the dictionary.
Do exercise Nr. 2
Stb.p. 101 / 3 – Fill in the gaps
Stb. p. 101 / 4: Fill in the gaps.

Now it is time for some workout.
Click here to get moving with P.E. teacher Joe.

Helbling Reader

Now get the book you got from us (Mr Football / Holly the Eco Warrior)
You had to read the first 20 pages.

You have got the choice (Wahl)
a ) Describe the main characters (Hauptfiguren beschreiben)
OR (oder)
b ) Write a little summary of the first 20 pages (50 words)- Zusammenfassung der ersten 20 Seiten schreiben.
Write it on your computer in a WORD file and send an email School-email-address!

Take care and have a good day 🌞